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Welcome to Dream Chaser Change Maker

Unleash Your Potential, Ignite Change

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Where Dream Chasers are connected with proven Change Makers to making lasting impact in our communities



Students entrepreneurs with social enterprises apply for a $10,000 grant. The top applicants are invited to pitch and our team of mentors and alumni select our next Dream Chaser based on transparent criteria.


Dream Chasers can use up to 80% of the funding to support the development of their social venture, a minimum of 20% is allocated to fund their education. We adjust based on our Dream Chaser's needs. 



Dream Chasers are welcomed into a national community of Change Makers who help them achieve their entrepreneurial goals and support them as they  grow personally and professionally. 



Nelson Lee

Founder, Haven Safe

"DCCM has been a catalyst for transformation at Haven, my campus safety startup, and a personal game-changer for me. Their invaluable support in covering tuition costs empowered me to devote my full attention to developing Haven.

The mentorship provided by DCCM’s experienced mentors and members has been a driving force behind our company's growth, opening numerous doors and presenting unparalleled opportunities. Moreover, the generous grant enabled us to advance our technology significantly, thereby playing a crucial role in supporting students across North America as they confront critical incidents, including sexual assault. DCCM's assistance was pivotal not just for Haven, but it also cast a wider net of support, benefiting countless students in profound ways."

Hear from our Alumni

"When my team and I first received the DCCM grant, it was a pivotal moment for me in recognizing my capacity to generate something meaningful change from scratch. It was a powerful example of what happens when you bring ideas to fruition. It validated the significance of social impact initiatives.


I am so grateful for the invaluable lessons learned during that time, which continue to inform my approach to projects today. My ongoing relationship with the DCCM team is a testament to the continuing impact of that experience."


Faizah Balogun

Founder, A Question For
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